All (not all) of my SMASH HIT vids to date!!!

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Here's a few videos that don't fall underneath any overarching 'project', unless I make more of them (highly possible!)... or ones that are just done as 'me' being 'me'.  For a fuller list of vids, hmu on Facebook or Youtube.

Professor Karl Gendersmith

He's getting in the curriculums.

Steve Stryker

Your mate.
Your fucken mate.


Catch 'em all! By Nick Burns and Tom Tanuki. 
Catch 'em all, federally! By Nick Burns and Tom Tanuki
I don't do many of these 'let me explain the world'-style Breadtube things, but I thought this one was important. By Nick Burns and Tom Tanuki.
A Melbourne tradition <3
Quilty, quilty, quilt quilt quilty <3
My speech on a February 2019 panel about Dr Jordan Peterson, the topic of which was 'Jordan Peterson: Self-help Guru or Far Right Philosopher?'.
A mini-doco I made in March 2019 about the fight to save the Djap Wurrung Embassy from destruction.