Yelling At Racist Dogs YARD Highlights Support Tom Tanuki on Patreon []! Visit YARD: Facebook [] Here's some YARDing highlights from birth to date - powerfully transformative
The Poor Can Feed The Birds The Poor Can Feed The Birds. The Poor Can Feed The Birds is a new activism/comedy podcast starting soon. SOON.
Yelling At Racist Dogs YARD interview with The Brag 'From The Frontlines to The Fringe – The rise of Yelling At Racist Dogs', an interview from August 2019.
Million Flag Patriots The media still think I run the United Patriots Front Article published in Independent Australia, April 2019.
Million Flag Patriots Interview with Ivan's Shady Existence A lengthy interview about MFP from April 2018.
Million Flag Patriots MFP Media Watch coverage, March 2017 From March 2017, at the height of MFP's fuckery.
Million Flag Patriots The MFP story so far For those newly introduced to the Million Flag Patriots, and struggling to grapple with the concepts and themes contained therein, here is the full story of the group - so far. This story is 100% factual.